National background of addiction resources

If a person is addicted and just can't exist without gambling, his/her family must always remember that they are not alone, that it's curable and it's not the end of the valuable life. Of course, it'd be better, if a gambler him/herself makes some rational conclusions about unpleasant situation, but problem gambling, even if it's grown to an addiction, is not a mere trifle for sick people, they really need right treatment.

Before going to some specialist, addicts or their friends and familiars have to read as much as possible about the phenomenon of addiction, to differentiate the compulsive gambling from problem one, to examine the main addiction symptoms and signs, which addiction gambling involves and so on. If you see that it's really difficult and you're exhausted and just have lost courage, just appeal to the specialists, and they will help you for sure. You're not alone!

National Council on Problem Gambling

  • This is the most important organization that fights with problem gambling. It helps different people both in the beginning stage of the destructive habit and in the following desperate phases.
  • The origin of this council is located in the USA, but it cooperates with all the regional and local authorities that spread this effective help throughout the world.
  • The main goal of National Council is to swell everybody's awareness of risk, connected with gambling, and, in general, about the problem of pathological gambling.
  • They also ensure availability of addiction treatment to everybody, who needs it, and elaborate different policies, programs and researches for the sake of curing gambling addiction.

"Gamblers Anonymous" membership

  • This is not a sect or some political invention; it's really a helpful fellowship, where every gambler all over the world will find the cozy shelter from compulsive addiction.
  • You just ought to have a strong wish to be cured, and just confess, that you need this treatment. And it'll be easier both for you and for others to provide you with some moral assistance.
  • Besides, it consists of the 12-stage program, which each gambler has to pass: it's based on some spiritual principles and musical emotive therapy, which will free your soul and mind from addiction remorse.

Terrifying statistics of USA addicted gamblers

  • In order to be sure, that people really need help and the right treatment from gambling, just analyze the addiction statistics of such ill people in the most powerful country - the USA, and you'll see that it's a real problem, which we have to stop right now.
  • Just the news, that there are twice as more addicted gamblers, than cancer patients, is really terrible. If you are living 50 miles away from the nearest casino, you really have great risk to be addicted with double probability.
  • Seniors' addiction is a dangerous problem, but the statistics of addicted children is even more embarrassing: 672, 000 students and 35 millions of teens need professional cure.